
Chuck Swindoll shares a nostalgic moment when he found a journal his mother wrote at a time when he greatly needed and received her prayers.

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Mother's Day

Chuck Swindoll gives a warm tribute to mothers as he recognizes the huge, often thankless, jobs they have. Take time to thank your own mother!

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The Greatest Influence

This article's simple message encourages weary mothers who need to be reminded of their unique and powerful ability to shape their children's lives.

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The Dangers of Growing More Like Christ

"Spiritual" activities might make you think you're growing closer to God and becoming like Him but they may be hindering you from reaching true spirituality.

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The Heartbeat of the Home

Just how important is good parenting? The pulse of a nation is determined by the strength of its families.

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The Plan in a Child's Heart

Do you want your child to have a strong self-esteem? Then take the time to discover their strengths and interests and channel them accordingly.

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Time for Parenting

Read practical guidelines on finding meaningful time with your children"time that's not optional if you want to stay in touch with them when they're older.

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Tips for Teaching Kids Truth

Everyday events"such as singing songs, telling stories, and serving the less fortunate"can build a child's worldview and model true spirituality.

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Use Your Imagination!

When you read Bible stories to your kids put them into the story by raising questions, thus making the Bible even more exciting to read!

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