Defining Liberty

What does it mean to say a Christian has liberty? Chuck Swindoll explains liberty as freedom from something and freedom to do something.

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four strategies article

Four Antilegalistic Strategies

Before every fight, it helps to draw up battle plans. Chuck Swindoll gives four strong strategies to develop if you want to fight legalists.

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Alternatives to Grace

If you don't want to promote salvation by grace, Chuck Swindoll outlines four other alternatives that, unfortunately, are pretty popular these days.

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Soul Work

Going through a painful time of demanding, exhausting circumstances"the kind where you're tempted to throw out your faith? Find hope in these words of encouragement.

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"Lord, Are You Sure?"

Colleen Swindoll invites us to take our smallest and most nagging questions straight to the heart of God, so He can reveal His personal presence.

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Firm Footing for Life's Landslides

Is your foundation shaking beneath you? This article spells out the characteristics of a firmly rooted person who need never fear being badly shaken.

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Surviving "Survival Mode"

Read this definition of being in "survival mode." If this describes you and you feel isolated, defenseless, and hopeless, know the opposite is actually true!

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When the Bible Sinks In

Using a humorous story about his son, Michael Svigel reassures parents that God is the one responsible for making the lessons you teach take root.

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Wooing the Wayward: Loving Your Prodigal until He or She Comes Home

Is your adult child not following the godly path you've envisioned for them? Let these three tips provide guidance on how to relate to them.

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