Stonebriar Live


Three Impossible Commands

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

on July 14, 2024

Join us this Sunday to hear Elder Russell Patterson deliver a timely message from God's Word.

Worship Guide

Note: This live video is scheduled to begin on Sunday at 10:45 a.m. Central time. Refresh your browser window at the scheduled time to watch the video.


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Previous Messages

Guest speaker, Bill Butterworth, in pulpit 20201101

Distinctively Different

on November 1, 2020

Stonebriar Community Church welcomes Bill Butterworth this Sunday as guest speaker.

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Dr. Jonathan Murphy as guest speaker 20201025

When the Heat Is on the Local Church

on October 25, 2020

Stonebriar Community Church welcomes Dr. Jonathan Murphy this Sunday as guest speaker.

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Dr. Jonathan Murphy in pulpit 20201018

When the Heat Is on Christians

on October 18, 2020

Stonebriar Community Church welcomes Dr. Jonathan Murphy this Sunday as guest speaker.

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Chuck in the pulpit 20201011

Tips for Enduring the Faith-Race

on October 11, 2020

Continuing on the theme of “Walking by Faith,” we leave Hebrews 11 and transition into the first three verses of Chapter 12, which are packed with truth for putting the faith-life into action.

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Chuck in pulpit 20201004

Walking by Faith . . . Regardless

on October 4, 2020

After a brief review of the heroes mentioned in these verses, a look at the final two verses in this chapter will set us up properly for the message after this one, in Hebrews 12.

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Chuck in pulpit 20200927

Honorable Roll Call of the Valiant

on September 27, 2020

The writer of Hebrews gave a summary of many courageous heroes of the faith, who were remarkable examples of sacrifice, hardship, and mistreatment, because of their committed walk with God.

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Chuck in pulpit 20200920

By Faith . . . One Miracle After Another

on September 20, 2020

Chuck Swindoll recounts the unprecedented miracles God performed on behalf of Moses and the Israelites.

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Chuck in pulpit 20200913

Right Choice, Wrong Choice: Your Choice

on September 13, 2020

This message focuses on some of the choices Moses made in his life. Like all of us, he made some great choices and some foolish ones.

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Chuck in pulpit 20200906

Faith: From Aging Fathers to a Newborn Son

on September 6, 2020

Our study of Hebrews 11 passes through several generations where faith played a major role. We find it first in Isaac, then Jacob, Joseph, and, centuries later, in Moses’ God-honoring parents.

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