Stonebriar Live


Three Impossible Commands

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

on July 14, 2024

Join us this Sunday to hear Elder Russell Patterson deliver a timely message from God's Word.

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Note: This live video is scheduled to begin on Sunday at 10:45 a.m. Central time. Refresh your browser window at the scheduled time to watch the video.


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Previous Messages

Chuck in pulpit on 20210620

The Value of Eulogy Virtues

on June 20, 2021

Pastor Chuck Swindoll delivers a special Father’s Day message, which includes a uniquely moving and truly unforgettable story from a son about his father. It’s a story you will ponder for a while.

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Chuck in pulpit on 20210613

As You Grow Older, Go Deeper

on June 13, 2021

In these verses, we sigh alongside Solomon as he describes the reality of aging. But his point is clear: because our spirit will return to God, now is the time to “remember Him” in all our ways.

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Chuck in pulpit on 20210606

Taking Life by the Throat

on June 6, 2021

Interestingly, the older we get the more cautious we become. Must growing old be synonymous with an overly cautious mentality? Not if we take to heart Solomon’s words in Ecclesiastes 11!

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Chuck in pulpit on 20210530

Wise or Foolish: Which Are You?

on May 30, 2021

Solomon addresses the difference between those who are wise and those who are fools. He repeatedly draws a contrast between the two in these verses. Many of us can probably identify with both traits.

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Chuck in pulpit on 20210523

Two Realities Most People Resist

on May 23, 2021

Solomon’s interest moves now to two inescapable realities of life most would rather ignore. But those who remember them are much wiser for doing so. Discover what they are for yourself!

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Chuck in pulpit on 20210516

What’s with All the Wickedness?

on May 16, 2021

In this chapter, Solomon faces the problem of fallen humanity. Investigating wickedness, he sounds like the comic strip character, Pogo, who notoriously said, “We have found the enemy, and he is US!”

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Chuck in pulpit on 20210509

Remarkable Influence of a Fearless Mother

on May 9, 2021

This Mother’s Day message highlights the mother of Moses, Jochebed. The way she influenced her son during the few years she had with him remained with him for the rest of his life.

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Chuck in pulpit on 20210502

Here’s How to Make Your Life Better

on May 2, 2021

At the halfway point of this book, we now see a change in Solomon’s perspective. He not only changes his style of writing; he also switches from cynicism to wisdom. What a welcomed change!

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Chuck in pulpit on 20210425

Stark Confession of an Empty Life

on April 25, 2021

Solomon’s “personal testimony” of misery emphasizes the futility of a person who continues to find no satisfaction or fulfillment in a life disconnected from the only One who can give it meaning.

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