December 14 - 26, 2017

God Knows What He's About

When we consider the vastness of the universe, much less the seven billion souls inhabiting our planet, we can struggle to believe that God cares about our circumstances.

We can trust that God knows us, and His plans are woven in the fabric of our everyday lives. By studying the prophet Jonah and Saul of Tarsus,  we will learn that even when we doubt, rebel, and display our weakness of pride, God knows what He’s about. His plans will not be thwarted.

Additional resources

These helpful study notes provide a clear overview of Chuck's messages. Then they help you walk through the four pillars of study Chuck teaches: observation, interpretation, correlation, and application.

In a convenient PDF format, you can view the STS Studies online or print out a copy for yourself for future reference.

What's next

Listener Favorites, Volume 4

December 27 - January 3, 2018

Some messages settle into our souls like a salve, providing healing where our deepest hurts and fears reside. Others remind us, through the fiercest storms, that we CAN be secured by a hope that won’t disappoint.

Hear two of Chuck Swindoll’s most-requested messages, from the What If . . .? series, which are also included in Listener Favorites, Volume 4: Our Best for His Highest. These messages cover challenges like dealing with unrepentant people and facing that terrifying fear: death.