Spiritual Leadership

So David left Gath and escaped to the cave of Adullam. Soon his brothers and all his other relatives joined him there. Then others began coming—men who were in trouble or in debt or who were just discontented—until David was the captain of about 400 men. (1 Samuel 22:1–2)

Leadership is influence. To the extent we influence others, we lead them.

If I were asked to name some of the standard qualities or characteristics usually found among natural-born leaders, I would list:

Sense of HumorCreativity

None can deny that these are standard qualities found in "natural" leaders. But my question is: Are these qualities necessary in "spiritual" leaders too? Before you answer too quickly, I would refer you to some biblical leaders who would've done rather poorly on a "natural" leadership test. The incredible thing is that God picked people whom we would have overlooked!

How about withdrawn, insecure, fearful, doubting Moses? (Read Exodus 3:10–4:14.) Or the uncultured, negative, ill-prepared, unwanted, dogmatic, clumsy fig-picker Amos? (Get acquainted with him in Amos 7:10–17.) And we dare not forget impulsive, short-sighted, boastful Peter, who frequently suffered from foot-in-mouth disease!

I am not suggesting these men did not have any natural traits of leadership—but rather that they broke the mold of what we generally classify as "a model leader." God's remnant of leaders is often a ragged lot . . . frequently made up of fresh-thinking, non-conforming, even weird-looking characters who desperately love the Lord Jesus Christ and are remarkably available to Him and His will. These people (and you may be one!) possess the basic ingredients of faith, vision, teachability, determination, and love—and they are involved in changing the world.

When I read that God is searching this planet for men and women (please stop and read 2 Chronicles 16:9a and Ezekiel 22:30), I do not find that He has a structured, well-defined frame into which they must fit. In fact, some of those God used most effectively were made up of the strangest mixture you could imagine. If you doubt this, check out that rough gang of 400 indebted, unorganized malcontents that surrounded David in the cave of Adullam (1 Samuel 22:1–2). I find myself extraordinarily challenged to trace these men through the balance of David's life and discover that these became his elite, courageous band of fighting men—heroes, if you please—from whom a number of leaders emerged.

I believe you anticipate my point. Let's be as open and flexible and tolerant as God is! Perhaps you don't fit the mold. Maybe you don't embrace the party-line system, so you're beginning to think "I'm not useful to God—I'll never be a leader in the ranks of Christianity." Take heart, discouraged believer! I rather suspect that others of you are about to write off your maverick kids. Listen, they may be right on target. God may have a distinct, unique role of leadership just for that youngster of yours. Hang in there, parents! These young people may look and sound strange to some adults . . . but I'm not about to sigh and ask why. For all we know, God is on the verge of doing something great through their leadership.

Let me assure you—if all adults had written off a young, repulsive, aggressive, strong-willed teenager many years ago . . . the book you hold in your hands would have never existed.

Charles R. Swindoll Tweet This

Taken from Growing Strong in the Seasons of Life by Charles R. Swindoll. Copyright © 1983 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. Used by permission of HarperCollins Christian Publishing. www.harpercollinschristian.com

This Is Vital for Leaders

Doesn't it break your heart when you hear of a popular pastor admitting to a moral failure? Pastor Chuck, in this article, minces no words as he stresses the need for Christian leaders to model faithfulness and purity in their lives.