• A Necessary Change

    | Jan 26, 2015
    There is a sign along an Alaskan highway that has brought a smile to many a motorist: "Choose Your Rut Carefully . . . You'll Be in It for the Next 150 Miles." Author Henri Nouwen, in his book In the Name of Jesus, admits to being in one for well over twenty years.
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  • Think It Over

    | Jan 25, 2015
    A bazaar was held in a village in northern India. Everyone brought his wares to trade and sell. One old farmer brought in a whole covey of quail. He had tied a string around one leg of each bird. The other ends of all the strings were tied to a ring which fit loosely over a central stick.
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  • Giving Yourself Permission

    | Jan 24, 2015
    Back when I was in grade school, it was always a special treat when the teacher gave the class permission to do something unusual. I remember one hot and humid Houston afternoon when she gave everyone permission to go barefoot after lunch. We got to pull off our socks . . . and wiggle our toes all we wanted to.
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  • The Potter and the Clay

    | Jan 23, 2015
    By now in our Christian walk we hardly need the reminder that life is not a cloud-nine utopia. It is a terribly unrealistic view to think that Christ helps you live happily ever after; it's downright unbiblical! Most of life is learning and growing, falling and getting back up, forgiving and forgetting, accepting and going on.
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  • Handwriting

    | Jan 22, 2015
    There is nothing quite like the charm and personal touch conveyed by a handwritten note. Since our penmanship, like our fingerprint, is altogether unique, each curve of the letter or stroke of the pen bears its own originality. There is personality and warmth and, yes, special effort too.
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  • Forgotten Side of Success

    | Jan 21, 2015
    We are a success-saturated society. The telltale signs are everywhere. Each year dozens of books and magazines, scores of audiotapes and videotapes, and hundreds of seminars offer ideas, motivation, techniques, and promises of prosperity.
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  • Getting Involved

    | Jan 20, 2015
    Christians have at least four areas of involvement to maintain with Christ through life: 1) To maintain a close connection with our Lord, we think of Him as we make our plans, we pray, we explore the rich treasures of His Word. 2) Our involvement with members of our family: Parents, children, relatives, mates.
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  • Good Things, Bad World

    | Jan 19, 2015
    Paul certainly proved himself a prophet when he wrote: "But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons" (1 Tim. 4:1). And when he predicted: "But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. . . ."
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  • Knowing the Future

    | Jan 18, 2015
    Quick now, what woman in recent years not only won the prestigious "Woman of the World" award but was named the "Most Admired Woman" in the world for three consecutive years? Former First Lady Barbara Bush or perhaps Supreme Court justice Sandra Day O'Connor?
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  • A Fox in the Henhouse

    | Jan 17, 2015
    I have been a Magic Johnson basketball fan ever since he made All-American at Michigan State. Magic was a champion without arrogance, an MVP without a peer. And then, in one day, that love affair turned sour for some of us. We sat stunned. Magic had HIV!
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  • Our Ultimate Hooray

    | Jan 16, 2015
    What gives a widow courage as she stands beside a fresh grave? What is the ultimate hope of the handicapped, the abused, the burn victim? What is the final answer to pain, mourning, senility, insanity, terminal diseases, sudden calamities, and fatal accidents?
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  • Miles That Matter

    | Jan 15, 2015
    John Steinbeck's delightful little volume Travels with Charley fascinates me each time I read it. It tells how the author and his dog took to the highways, traveling hundreds of miles, encountering all sorts of interesting people and intriguing situations. I find myself charmed by that sort of thing.
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  • Be Gracious

    | Jan 14, 2015
    Paul deals with the value of being gracious in your Christian walk in 1 Thessalonians 2:7–11: "But we proved to be gentle among you, as a nursing mother tenderly cares for her own children. Having so fond an affection for you, we were well-pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives . . ."
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  • It's Time to Take Time

    | Jan 13, 2015
    Years ago my older son, then a teenager, and I dropped by the local Hallmark shop to find Cynthia a card for Mother's Day. Somewhat bored with the process, Curt wandered back to the posters and soon called me to come look at one he liked. It was a picture of a boat on a very still lake at dawn.
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  • How About 99.9%?

    | Jan 12, 2015
    When the Ritz-Carlton Hotels won the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, the owner of that outstanding organization, Mr. William Johnson, stated that now they would need to work even harder to earn the respect that came with the award. "Quality," he said, "is a race with no finish line."
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  • Waiting in Silence

    | Jan 11, 2015
    "My soul waits in silence for God only" (Psalm 62:1). Some of the best times in prayer are wordless times. I stop speaking, close my eyes, and meditate upon what I have been reading or upon what I have been saying, and I listen inside of myself. I listen deeply. I listen for reproofs.
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  • Lists

    | Jan 10, 2015
    Lists are everywhere. The sports page is full of them. Elsewhere we find lists of Academy Award winners, Pulitzer Prize winners, and beauty contest winners. The publishing world has its best-seller list, the music world its gold and platinum album lists, the financial world its Fortune 500 list.
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  • The Ideal Combination

    | Jan 09, 2015
    "What is your favorite feeling?" When my sister, Luci, asked me that question recently, my brain began to click through a dozen or more possibilities. Being a person to whom feelings are extremely important, I had a tough time selecting one. Finally, I landed on "accomplishment."
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  • Gut-Level Authenticity

    | Jan 08, 2015
    In 1991 James Patterson and Peter Kim released The Day America Told the Truth, a study based on an extensive opinion survey which guaranteed the anonymity of its participants. And the truth was shocking! Let me give you a brief sampling of their findings.
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  • Memories Are Made of This

    | Jan 07, 2015
    During the Thanksgiving holiday a few years ago, I experienced a moving moment as I watched our younger daughter, Colleen, with her baby, Ashley Alissa, who at that time was a newborn. Colleen had nursed her back to sleep and was holding Ashley ever so tenderly, as only a mother can do.
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God-Sent Intrusions

Do you see the people who cross your path each day as a possible divine appointment? If you do, Pastor Chuck Swindoll says you can start your day with great anticipation.