
Sanctity of Life

Is the pro-life cause much ado about nothing? Chuck Swindoll educates us about abortion in this personal, moving article.

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God Knows Your Ways

Does God see what you're going through right now? And is He viewing you from a distance or closely? Be comforted by these assuring words.

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Creativity and Tenacity

Need a little encouragement to venture out and try something new and risky? This story of bravery and tenacity provides the inspiration you need!

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How to Handle Straying Saints

Read practical suggestions on how to carry out church discipline. The motive of the one correcting is key to the success of the encounter.

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How Do I Respond to Someone Who Has Hurt Me?

This article helps us process our hurt emotions and work toward a proper response after someone we thought we could trust betrays our confidence.

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He's Coming . . . Are You Ready?

Christ's return to earth is coming. But some of us are more ready than others. Take this "test" to find out how ready you are.

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Following God's Plan—Fulfilling Your Purpose

David Carl encourages us to wait on God and be assured that every stop along the way is part of our needed training.

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It's Time to Embrace Grace by Embracing the Unlovely

Chuck Swindoll gives a beautiful example of grace extended to one who needed it and challenges us to look for ways to do the same.

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A Reason to Smile

Do you want to be a person of joy? Want to live above your circumstances? Learn from God's Word the lovely facets of joy.

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