December 21 - 27, 2022

When Angels Spoke

When reading about angels in God’s Word, the imagination tends to fly away into the heavens. But what does the Bible actually say about angels? Are they all chubby little cherubs stringing harps? . . . Not exactly.

Scripture depicts angels as supernatural creatures who sometimes take a variety of forms and are sent by God with special messages to specific people for significant reasons.

This holiday season, join Pastor Chuck Swindoll for three devotionals on beloved Christmas stories focusing on the angels’ messages of revelation, relief, and rejoicing. Experience their glad tidings of great joy this year as you celebrate the birth of your Savior.

Additional resources

These helpful study notes provide a clear overview of Chuck's messages. Then they help you walk through the four pillars of study Chuck teaches: observation, interpretation, correlation, and application.

In a convenient PDF format, you can view the STS Studies online or print out a copy for yourself for future reference.

What's next

Pressing On in Faith

December 28 - January 4, 2023

Do you need to hit the pause button in your life?

In this two-part series, Pastor Chuck Swindoll encourages you take a moment to stop what you’re doing and practice two spiritual disciplines essential for the journey of faith: remembering and preparing.

The first sermon, on Deuteronomy 8:1–5, helps you look back to remember what Christ has taught you. The second, on Hebrews 12:1–3, helps you look ahead to prepare for the course God has in store for you.