May 2 - 3, 2018

Transformed by Grace

A Candid Conversation about Reframing Life

When life falls apart, how do you pick up the pieces and move forward? The answer is REFRAME.  To reframe is to see your losses, struggles, and burdens through God’s lens of grace and to let Him reshape your pain into new purpose. Paul describes this process: “Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think” (Romans 12:2).

With God’s power, you can become a new person as God guides your thoughts, heals your heart, and energizes new habits. Reframing is not easy; it is an ongoing process of growth as God transforms you by His grace. Join Chuck Swindoll and his daughter Colleen Swindoll Thompson as they transparently share their reframing journeys.

Additional resources

These helpful study notes provide a clear overview of Chuck's messages. Then they help you walk through the four pillars of study Chuck teaches: observation, interpretation, correlation, and application.

In a convenient PDF format, you can view the STS Studies online or print out a copy for yourself for future reference.

What's next

Following Christ . . . The Man of God

May 4 - 31, 2018

Jesus was the Son of God and the Man of God. He walked the earth as any other person, but, through every word and action, He expressed the nature of God. The scenes recorded in John 6–14 portray a beautiful balance of Jesus’ humanity and divinity. He heals the lame man, feeds the hungry masses, stills the stormy sea, gives sight to the blind, and raises Lazarus from the dead. Such divine power, such human compassion!

John invites us to walk by Jesus’ side as He models love, grace, and humility. Place yourself in each scene. Grasp every detail. It’s impossible to closely follow Jesus and remain unchanged.