Question 2: What do you mean when you talk about mental health recovery? Does that mean being cured?

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Few things are more acutely examined than the human body. Of all its organs, the brain is the most complex. No other organ controls human functioning like the brain. However, what makes the brain totally unique is its connection to our overall well-being.

The brain affects how we function physically, emotionally, relationally, personally, and spiritually.

Why is it then we openly pray for and support those with compromised health . . . unless it’s related to the brain?

For this reason, we must address this massive disconnect. Few people do this better than my friend, Joe Padilla. After years in ministry, Joe and his lovely wife endured years of complicated mental health challenges.

Through the process, Joe learned the undeniable value of wellness integration. He founded the Mental Health Grace Alliance. No one should suffer alone regardless the cause of their suffering.

You will come away from this interview with practical tools providing help and hope to all who may struggle. Don’t miss this outstanding, insightful interview!

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Throughout Scripture, the physical body is used to reveal truths about the spiritual body . . . the church. References to the eyes, ears, tongue, hands, legs, and more are found in the Old and New Testaments. First Corinthians 12 contains a comprehensive comparison of the physical and spiritual body.

It is the Christian’s calling to function as ONE unit. No one is more or less important; all are vital, necessary, and valuable. When one part of our physical body is hurting, it’s felt throughout the entire body.

It’s time we address and integrate this truth into the body of Christ. Isn’t it time we offer hope to those in need of mental health support? What can you do TODAY that will make a difference in another’s life?

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About Joe Padilla

Joe Padilla is a Baylor University graduate and a licensed and ordained minister with more than 20 years of experience working in international missions, stateside church leadership, and nonprofit and small-business development. Joe’s wife had longstanding mental health challenges, which led him to study and discover a unique scientific and faith approach which helped his wife experience remarkable mental health recovery.

With new insight and personal experience, Joe and Dr. Matthew Stanford cofounded the Mental Health Grace Alliance in 2011 to provide simple, innovative, and grace-filled resources and tools to empower the body of Christ.

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