What Victory Is Not

Victory is not a once-for-all, automatic inheritance. Christians need to be reminded that the life God provides—the abundant life—is not a continuous, unbroken chain of victories. Victory is available, but not automatic. The strength we need is there to be claimed but we should never think of the Christian life as "instant success."

Victory is not an emotional high.

Christians do not gain victory by psyching themselves up or getting in the mood or waiting till it "feels right" to act.

Victory is not a dream reserved for supersaints.

Unlike the lonely runner on the track, the Christian who conquers does so "through Him who loved us." Jesus is always with us and we have His promise He will not leave us.

Victory does not happen to us while we passively wait.

Many today peddle a spiritual-sounding version of the "sit and wait" philosophy, but a victorious Christian is deliberately and personally involved in a process that leads to victory. If you are to achieve your goals, you must be involved to the maximum extent.

The victory we desire is never automatic.

The abundant life God provides is not an unbroken chain of victories, but the strength we need is there to be claimed.

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Taken from Day by Day with Charles Swindoll by Charles R. Swindoll. Copyright © 2000 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. Used by permission of Thomas Nelson. www.thomasnelson.com

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