September 12, 2020
by Pastor Chuck SwindollScriptures: Genesis 22:1–2
SOME YEARS after receiving Isaac, as promised by God, the time had come for Abraham’s faith to be put to the supreme test. God is, of course, omniscient.
SOME YEARS after receiving Isaac, as promised by God, the time had come for
Abraham's faith to be put to the supreme test. God is, of course,
omniscient. He doesn't put people to a test to see how well their faith
responds under fire; He prepares tests of faith to show us what He has made
of us lately.
At this point in Abraham's faith journey, his faith was put to the test
with an unusual and unexpected command. God said, "Take your son, your only
son—yes, Isaac, whom you love so much—and go to the land of Moriah. Go and
sacrifice him as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I will
show you" (Genesis 22:2).
When Abraham and Isaac arrived at the place where God had instructed him to
go, Abraham built an altar. It must have felt like he was turning down the
sheets on a deathbed. The faithful father then looked at his son and calmly
said, "Lie down on the altar, Isaac."
At the final moment, God intervened and provided a ram to be sacrificed in
Isaac's place. But that day Abraham passed the ultimate test. The Lord
allowed this drama to play out to demonstrate the completeness of the
patriarch's faith—both to Abraham himself and to the world at large.
Think about what provision you need that only God can provide. What do you
really need from the Lord? Follow Abraham's example. Don't presume to tell
the Lord what to do, and don't waste your time guessing how He might
accomplish doing it. Simply trust Him. Accept whatever He chooses to
provide, regardless of how unlikely or unusual. And all the while, you can
rest in His unfailing love and righteous character.
What do you treasure most on this earth? How would you respond if God asked you to surrender that person or thing to Him?
It was by faith that Abraham offered Isaac as a sacrifice when God was testing him.