November 20, 2020
by Pastor Chuck SwindollScriptures: 1 Corinthians 14:7–8
If I heard that once during Marine boot camp, I must've heard it four dozen times. Again and again, our outfit was warned against hearing one thing, then passing on a slightly different version.
If I heard that once during Marine boot camp, I must've heard it four dozen
times. Again and again, our outfit was warned against hearing one thing,
then passing on a slightly different version. You know, changing the
message by altering the meaning just a tad. It's so easy to do, isn't it?
Especially when it's filtered through several minds then pushed through
each mouth, it is amazing how the original story, report, or command
appears after it has gone through its verbal metamorphosis.
But what about the messages God has spoken?
He seems to feel terribly strong and unbendingly firm. He doesn't leave
much margin for generalities. He told more than one prophet to say it
painfully straight and to make it obviously clear. He gave Moses precisely
ten commandments, not "a dozen or so." He told Jonah to go directly to
Nineveh, not "whichever city seems fair to you, pal." He mentions His
interest in every jot and tittle of His Word, not just the part that's easy
to read and fun to do. No way, Jose. The God who expects His children to
behave doesn't leave for the weekend with a note on the door that says,
"Whatever turns you on . . ."
Do you remember what Paul wrote to the Corinthians who had begun to
scramble the Scripture with weird and senseless sounds? Drawing upon the
analogy of music, he asks:
Even lifeless instruments like the flute or the harp must play the notes
clearly, or no one will recognize the melody. And if the bugler doesn't
sound a clear call, how will the soldiers know they are being called to
The battle is raging. And we have clear instructions from our heavenly
Commander. If ever we needed "a clear call" from the bugler, it is now. Are
you responsible for passing on information? Think before you speak! Tighten
your lips! Hit the right note! Don't garble that message!