December 24, 2016
by Pastor Chuck SwindollScriptures: Luke 21:1–4; Ephesians 2:8, 9; Matthew 2:11
It's not too late to give some things away this Christmas. Not just on Christmas Day, but during the days after December 25. We could call these daily gifts "our Christmas projects." Maybe one per day from now 'til the end of the year.
It's not too late to give some things away this Christmas. Not just on Christmas Day, but during the days after December 25. We could call these daily gifts "our Christmas projects." Maybe one per day from now 'til the end of the year. Here are thirty-two suggestions. Take your choice.
• Mend a quarrel.
• Seek out a forgotten friend.
• Dismiss suspicion.
• Write a long-overdue love note.
• Hug someone tightly and whisper, "I love you so."
• Forgive an enemy.
• Be gentle and patient with an angry person.
• Express appreciation.
• Gladden the heart of a child.
• Find the time to keep a promise.
• Make or bake something for someone else. Anonymously.
• Release a grudge.
• Listen.
• Speak kindly to a stranger.
• Enter into another's sorrow.
• Smile. Laugh a little. Laugh a little more.
• Take a walk with a friend.
• Kneel down and pat a dog.
• Read a poem or two to your mate or friend.
• Lessen your demands on others.
• Play some beautiful music during supper.
• Apologize if you were wrong.
• Talk together with the television off.
• Treat someone to an ice-cream cone.
• Do the dishes for the family.
• Pray for someone who helped you when you hurt.
• Fix breakfast for someone on Saturday morning.
• Give a soft answer even though you feel strong.
• Encourage an older person.
• Point out one thing you appreciate most about someone you work with or live near.
• Offer to baby-sit for a weary mother.
• Give your teacher a break—be especially cooperative.
Let's make Christmas one long, extended gift of ourselves to others. Unselfishly. Without announcement. Or obligation. Or reservation. Or hypocrisy.
That is Christianity, isn't it?