October 19, 2020
by Pastor Chuck SwindollScriptures: Genesis 22:1–2
ARE YOU BETTER AT smothering than loving? That's why you are blown away with the thought of relaxing your gargantuan grip on the things and people you love the most.
ARE YOU BETTER AT smothering than loving? That's why you are blown away
with the thought of relaxing your gargantuan grip on the things and people
you love the most. Letting something precious go is, on occasion,
unbearable. The parting cannot happen without inward bleeding.
It's hard to let go. Turning loose heightens our stress.
Like releasing a dream or allowing a child space to grow up or letting a
friend have the freedom to be and to do. What maturity that requires! What
a test on our insecurity!
We are often hindered from giving up our treasures out of fear for their
safety. But wait. Everything is safe which is committed to our God. In
fact, nothing is safe which is not so committed. No child. No job. No
romance. No spouse. No friend. No dream. Need proof? Check out Abraham's
Some time later, God tested Abraham's faith. "Abraham!" God called.
"Yes," he replied. "Here I am."
"Take your son, your only son—yes, Isaac, whom you love so much—and go to
the land of Moriah. Go and sacrifice him as a burnt offering on one of the
mountains, which I will show you.
GENESIS 22:1–2
It was time to turn Isaac loose. Releasing was long overdue. Yet from
Abraham's releasing came the greatest gift . . . "God will provide a sheep"
(verse 8). What is it God wants from you? I'm certain He will not ask you
to lay your child on a literal altar. But He may need you to let go and
allow that son or daughter to follow His call to the mission field. Or to
give themselves in marriage to the one God has prepared.
Perhaps God is asking you to surrender your long-held dream to follow His
plan. Or, perhaps, He's simply asking you to trust Him with your financial
future and become an obedient steward.
What's keeping you from letting loose? Fear? Unbelief? Pride? You will
never be better off outside of what God has planned for you. Better to let
loose today, so you will experience His provision tomorrow. Remember the
promise given to Abraham? God will provide.