I Brake for Christmas

The bumper sticker caught my eye. Made me think. Even aroused some guilt.

I was on the freeway as his car was pulling off. My day had been full and it was far from over. Stuffed in my pocket was a list, most of the items not yet purchased. A little panic rushed over the back roads of my mind as I pondered all the things yet to be bought in those few days left before Christmas. The guy didn't seem in much of a hurry, which irritated me a bit, yet it told me that his sign was for real. I began to study the words in my head. They started making sense. His bumper stick read:


Easing up on the accelerator and releasing my frown, I began to calm down my inner motor with questions like: Why the hurry? What's the rush? Could this explain the reason you've been unable to enjoy the spirit of the season?

Psalm 46:10 drifted into my mind like the ringing of a distant bell on a clear morning.

"Be still, and know that I am God." (NIV)

C'mon, slow down. Be still.

This year . . . let's give Christmas a brake.

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Excerpted from Come Before Winter and Share My Hope, Copyright © 1985, 1994 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Used by permission.

Be a Finisher

It's tempting to give up when a task becomes demanding, isn't it? But Pastor Chuck Swindoll describes here the opposite kind of response—the kind that's not easily deterred from the goal.