October 27, 2020
by Pastor Chuck SwindollScriptures: Proverbs 15:32–33
IN A WORLD WHERE EVERYONE is out to serve self, it's refreshing to read these ancient words from the pen of one of the most powerful men who ever lived: Solomon.
IN A WORLD WHERE EVERYONE is out to serve self, it's refreshing to read
these ancient words from the pen of one of the most powerful men who ever
lived: Solomon.
If you reject discipline, you only harm yourself; but if you listen to
correction, you grow in understanding. Fear of the LORD teaches wisdom;
humility precedes honor.
PROVERBS 15:32–33
In different words, Jesus says virtually the same thing:
Among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must
be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must become your
slave. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others
and to give his life as a ransom for many.
MATTHEW 20:26–28
Humility makes our message believable. Honest, human, thoughtful, and down
to earth. Regardless of your elevated position or high pile of honors or
long list of degrees or endless number of achievements, just stay real.
Work hard at counteracting the celebrity syndrome. Junk any idea that you
deserve special recognition for a job well done. Who did you do it for
anyway? If you did it for God, He has an infinite number of unseen ways to
reward you. If you did it for man, no wonder you're seeking the glory! But
it's so subtle. So easy to draw out that praise for yourself, isn't it? Ye
olde ego is a wily one.
That simply means no self-reference to some enviable accomplishment. A
refusal to scratch a back when yours itches. The absence of any desire to
manipulate and manufacture praise. That means you demonstrate authentic
surprise when applauded.
One final warning. Don't try to fake it. False humility stinks worse than
raw conceit. The answer is not in trying to appear worthless and "wormy"
but in consistently taking notice of others' achievements, recognizing
others' skills and contributions . . . and saying so. That's one way to
serve others in love. Just like Christ.