November 13, 2020
by Pastor Chuck SwindollScriptures: Galatians 6:7–9
FULFILLMENT MUST BE ONE OF life's choicest gifts. It is a major building block toward authentic happiness. No doubt, Solomon had it in mind when he wrote these timeless words:
FULFILLMENT MUST BE ONE OF life's choicest gifts. It is a major building
block toward authentic happiness. No doubt, Solomon had it in mind when he
wrote these timeless words:
If you ignore criticism, you will end in poverty and disgrace; if you
accept correction, you will be honored. It is pleasant to see dreams come
true, but fools refuse to turn from evil to attain them.
PROVERBS 13:18–19
Fulfillment is sweet to the soul. The longing of the heart—unrevealed and
deep—leads to dreams. These dreams float as time passes, refusing to be
sunk by the anchors of hindrance and hardship. They grow into
possibilities, kept alive by hope and determination. Vague possibilities
lead to great opportunities that stir up the soul with gratifying,
satisfying stimulation, which ultimately becomes actual accomplishment—and
that fulfillment is pleasant, writes David's wisest son.
Have you become a victim of routine? Are you beginning to think
demoralizing thoughts like, "Aw, what's the use?" and, "It isn't worth the
effort." Are you starting to sigh rather than smile . . . focusing on the
hurdles rather than the tape at the end of the race? If so, you have a lot
of company. Surrendering to despair is humanity's favorite pastime. God
offers a better plan. But it takes effort to grab it and faith to claim it.
You will always harvest what you plant. Those who live only to satisfy
their own sinful nature will harvest decay and death from that sinful
nature. But those who live to please the Spirit will harvest everlasting
life from the Spirit. So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just
the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up.
Please—take it from one who, years ago, almost stopped climbing and
searching and following—stay at it! Fulfillment will be sweet to your soul.