March 11, 2025
by Pastor Chuck Swindoll
You may be facing what could be an unsolvable problem. You alone know what it is. If so, let me encourage you this week. Often the situations with no human answers form the basis upon which God does some of His best work—even in the lives of His messengers.
This is illustrated beautifully in the life of Job.
I know, I know . . . we’ve all preached on Job. Personally, as pastors, we tend to flip the page when his name comes up. We’re too familiar with his story.
The account of his misery has become common and—may I say it?—boring. I mean, what else does this sad, suffering saint have to teach us?
Think about Job as a living example of your unsolvable problem. Job’s biography includes a clipboard full of questions about it.
- Is God fair?
- Is this situation just?
- Does He care?
What am I to learn while slogging through these deep waters?
Job had trusted God in the good times. Now the scene was set to determine if Job would trust God in humanly impossible situations. He endured loss like no one else we know.
His home . . . destroyed.
His children . . . dead.
His health . . . ruined.
His finances . . . wiped out.
His friends . . . no support.
In the long process of working through his questions and struggles, Job eventually resolved to trust God—no matter what. He had worshiped. He had humbled himself. He had sat in silence.
He then responded to his wife,
“Should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?” (Job 2:10)
Read that once more . . . slowly . . . thoughtfully. It is the secret of his stability.
A Courageous Response
I find several reasons Job could respond like this:
Job looked up and was comforted by God’s sovereignty (Job 2:10). He saw more than God’s actions; he saw His heart. He accepted what God gave and took away. Looking up, he saw God’s sovereign love.
Job looked ahead and was reminded of God’s promise (Job 19:25). In the end, all will be made right. Looking ahead, he felt spurred on.
Job looked within and was shaped by God’s instruction (Job 42:6). He saw that God had taught him in his suffering and illness as in no other way. Looking within, he gained insight.
It’s a courageous thing for a pastor to give himself to a sovereign God while facing impossible situations. Perhaps that’s exactly what you need to do right now.
My friend, if your days have been difficult and nights have felt like a long and dark tunnel, find your comfort in God’s sovereign control and everlasting love.
Your Savior knows your breaking point. The bruising and crushing and melting you are enduring are designed to reshape you . . . not to ruin you.
Your strength and courage will increase the longer He lingers over you. Remembering Job’s secret can make all the difference.