August 23, 2018
by Insight for Living Ministries
A Vision 195 Story in Brazil
Imagine: After years of saving, you and your sweetheart buy a house. It's
an unfinished "skeleton"—no doors, cabinets, or fixtures, not even drywall
or paint. Just concrete walls and floors. But you two are dreamers. You've
got big plans.
Then God steps in.
What happens next? If your names are Fernando and Ieda Bochio, God asks you
to put YOUR dreams on hold and pursue HIS dreams for Portuguese-speakers
around the world.
When you're on the right track in ministry, Satan throws up every roadblock
he can. From shipwrecks to imprisonment to hunger, Paul's life makes clear
that Satan knows who's on mission (2 Corinthians 11:23–28). And Paul is
just one example!
Razão para Viver
(RPV), Insight for Living Ministries Portuguese-language broadcast, hit the airwaves
in 1988 through Trans World Radio. When Fernando became RPV's
pastor in 2003, we had already cleared many hurdles. Fernando jumped into
being the "voice of Chuck Swindoll in Portuguese" and continued pastoring,
teaching, and consulting.
In 2005, Fernando and Ieda purchased their
"skeleton house." But in 2006, RPV parted ways with Trans World
Radio. Fernando gave up consulting to help establish RPV as an
independent nonprofit. With much government red tape on the floor, the
ministry was ready for its own studio.
Then a recession hit.
Heartbroken at the thought of RPV closing, Fernando, Ieda, and their teenaged son and two teenaged daughters decided together, completely of their own accord, to build an RPV
studio on their first floor instead of finishing their dream home. When it
wasn't enough, Fernando sold his hobby—a beautiful sports car. When that wasn't enough, they sold another car! For years, they lived
out of suitcases on the second floor with cinderblocks for walls, sheets
for doors, and boxes for cabinets.
Staff from our U.S.A. headquarters visited them after the studio had been
completed while the second floor remained unfinished. We were humbled by
their sacrifice, encouraged by their joy . . . but not surprised.
As a teenager, Fernando heard the gospel at a conference. Due to dyslexia
and an unstable home, he had long felt like a misfit. The thought of a new
life filled him with hope. That night he prayed, "God, if You are real,
show Yourself to me, because You know I don't believe." God made His
presence known and everything changed. Fernando knew God wanted him to
pursue ministry, but he felt ill equipped.
Then he met Ieda.
As the two fell in love, Fernando also fell in love with her family. Ieda
and her father patiently helped Fernando learn the Scriptures. He heard
God calling him to the pastorate, but Ieda didn't. Fernando's calling was
nonnegotiable. If she wasn't onboard, they couldn't be together.
Eventually, God showed Ieda that while she wasn't called to ministry, she was called to support Fernando. They never looked back.
To dedicate himself to RPV, Fernando resigned from teaching at his
university in 2011. In 2014, he resigned from 35 years of pastoring
churches. Just two years ago, their home was finally finished, and Fernando
has nearly completed his doctorate degree. The results of their
- RPV on 40 stations throughout Brazil and one in Africa
- More than 20 translated resources
- A Portuguese-language Web site
- Pastors from São Paulo to the Amazon Jungle trained to use Chuck's Searching the Scriptures Bible-study methods
- A vision for reaching all 10 countries that speak Portuguese
Vision 195
is a strategy that CAN work! We really can reach all 195 nations and 6,875
heart languages if we work together.
Is the Lord leading you to be a part of Vision 195 by giving to Insight for Living
Ministries? Trust Him! Send your gift. When you do, consider going
above and beyond to help meet our monthly budget and to fund RPV for a full year. Their annual budget is $285,000.
Never underestimate the importance of your gifts and prayers. Like Fernando
and Ieda, you will never regret following God's calling . . . and short of
heaven, you'll never know just how far your faithfulness will go.