March 11, 2025
by Pastor Chuck Swindoll
Stepping out in faith always brings clarification of God’s plan.
Not until Ananias obeyed God’s leading and went to Saul (before becoming Paul) did Saul find out that he was God’s “chosen instrument” (9:15 NASB). To the surprise of both Ananias and Saul, God planned to use Saul “to bear [God’s] name before the Gentiles and kings and the sons of Israel” (9:15 NASB).
Saul hadn’t known that before. (He had never read the book of Acts!) He knew nothing of what was in store for him until Ananias took that initial step of faith. Both men discovered that God Himself chose Saul to be His instrument and that intense suffering would mark his ministry.
That’s the way God operates.
When Cynthia and I first sensed God’s direction to leave California and relocate our Insight for Living ministry, we could hardly believe it. We had planned to stay in the same place for the rest of our lives. Neither space nor time allow me to describe the things God has shown us since we made the decision to move.
Initially, very few people could grasp God’s plan for us. In fact, some firmly rejected it. But now, as God continues to put the finishing touches on His magnificent portrait, what we see is absolutely beautiful. Until we took that initial step of obedience, all we had was, “It’s time to go.” It’s amazing to me, even as I write these words!
Surprises always bring about clarification of God’s plan.
By the way, the Swindolls have grown deeper in our relationship with the Lord, having trusted Him without first knowing all the details. The same will be true for you. Obeying God drives the roots of your faith much deeper. And that obedience stimulates growth in every area of life. We’re stretched emotionally, often physically, but most importantly, spiritually.
Obedience always stimulates growth.
Ananias’s compliance with God’s surprising plan allowed him to witness supernatural power. No one else in Scripture witnessed the scales miraculously falling from the contrite former Pharisee’s eyes. Only Ananias. When Saul’s sight returned, Ananias’s own eyes were also opened to the amazing power of God to transform a life. Obedience always stimulates growth.
Step out on faith, and you’ll find solid ground.