What are the benefits of making an endowment?

An endowment is a donation of money to a nonprofit organization, who then uses the resulting investment income for a specific purpose. Most endowments are designed to keep the principal amount intact while using the investment income for charitable efforts.

  1. You leave a lasting legacy to be remembered.
  2. You lessen the tax burden on your family.
  3. You may receive estate tax savings.

Most of us think of writing our Will as just a legal process, but when you consider that God is the owner of all and we are simply His stewards, (Psalm 24:1), our perspective should change. We must recognize that the purpose of our Will is to transfer stewardship of the earthly possessions God has entrusted to us. Therefore, it is not only important to have a Will, but it’s also important to have a legal Will that is prayerfully designed from a biblical perspective.

How do I make a legacy gift?

A legacy gift is one of the easiest gifts to make. With the help of an advisor, you can include language in your will or trust specifying a gift be made to family, friends, and/or Insight for Living Ministries as part of your estate plan.

Several Ways to Give:

  1. Designate a specific dollar amount.
  2. Specify a percentage of your total estate.
  3. Give from the balance or remaining amount of your estate.
  4. Make a beneficiary designation of certain assets.

Insight for Living Ministries
5330 Parkwood Boulevard
Frisco, TX 75034
Tax ID: 95-3392299

If you have any questions, please e-mail EstatePlanning@Insight.org or call 888-272-1640.