Question 3: Why is there a stigma when it comes to issues about mental health?

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An Interview with Heather Nelson

It’s been referred to as . . .

  • The “Golden Rule"
  • The law of reciprocity
  • Pay-it-forward
  • Proactive action
  • WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?)
  • Strong moral code of conduct



In other words . . . just be kind. Easier said than done.

Because we live in a broken world, because hurt people hurt people, because it’s easier and cheaper to be bitter than forgiving, and because the church often lacks understanding about mental health care few address their wounds in a healthy manner.

In addition, most therapists are underfunded, cannot find reasonable office space, and often must office too far away from their homes. Because mental illnesses rank in the highest disability category, something must change.

Heather Nelson, founder of Khesed Wellness, has developed an answer. Khesed is the Hebrew word for “loving kindness,” and Khesed resonates in Heather’s soul.

In this interview, Heather tells us about how she has made healing affordable and available. She is also bridging the gap between churches and mental health communities. In her words, it’s a Win-Win-Win!

Connect with Us

Along with kindness, we all long for peace in life. When we struggle emotionally or mentally, peace is almost always disrupted. Heather reveals what can happen when someone chooses to pursue healing—a choice that is now bringing revolutionary change to personal lives, communities, and churches.

For peace to return, it’s time to let go of whatever is holding you back from seeking help. No more excuses, no more attempts to do the same things and expect different results.

To find peace again, make the courageous choice toward healing. And for our Christian communities, let’s replicate Heather’s model which begins with loving kindness given in abundance to each other.

In Solomon’s words,

Where there is no counsel, the people fall;
But in the multitude of counselors there is safety
 (Proverbs 11:14 NKJV).

Watch the complete interview, view more resources, and join the conversation on our blog at

About Heather Nelson

Heather (founder and executive director) built Khesed Wellness because she observed that the mental health care community is dominated by the lack of accessibility, affordability, and sustainability of counseling care. She has a counseling degree, theological training, and a business mind guiding her creation of Khesed Wellness. She believes faith communities can and want to transform their neighborhoods. She created a way for counselors to thrive and has found a way for people to afford counseling help. It’s a Win-Win-Win™. Heather specializes in LGBTQ issues, particularly the intersection of faith and sexuality. Khesed Wellness is welcoming and affirming!

Recommended Resources

Heather Nelson Resources

Please visit for resources, links, to gain more information, or to request therapeutic and healing services, or call 972-523-4921.

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Other Resources

  • National Alliance on Mental Illness (
  • The Grace Alliance (
  • Hope for Mental Health (—founded by Saddleback Community Church’s Rick and Kay Warren)
  • One Mind Mental Health Ministry (